Discovering Holistic Wellness in Lincoln Park

Discovering Holistic Wellness in Lincoln Park In a world that often leaves us feeling stretched thin and overwhelmed, prioritizing our health and well-being can sometimes be overlooked. Recently, our team explored Heat 3.0 pilates studio in Lincoln Park, and for many...

Simple Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Simple Ways to Beat the Winter Blues It’s that time of year again where the enthusiasm from the New Year has waned and you find yourself fighting the winter blues. The temperature is painfully low, the snow has taken over the city, and sunny days feel really far away....

How to Practice Self-Care During Times of Crisis

How to Practice Self-Care During Times of Crisis How’s your self-care right now? As I sit down to write this blog post, the world is facing an international crisis due to the COVID-19 virus. While none of us knows what is in store on this journey, I do know that...
We are offering a hybrid of in person + teletherapy sessions using a HIPAA compliant secure video and phone platform.
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