ADHD & Neurodiversity


People with ADHD and other neurodiversities can struggle with Executive Functioning challenges, such as time management, starting and stopping tasks, and organization. They can also face low self-esteem, shame, and guilt because they function differently. Therapy for ADHD or other neurodiversity diagnoses can help you better understand how your brain is wired, develop confidence in your own abilities, and build helpful tools to push past the barriers that hold you back. If you have ADHD, an Autism diagnosis, or other challenges related to neurodiversity, you don’t have to struggle by yourself.
We’re here to help.
ADHD in Chicago Lincoln Park Therapy Group

It’s Okay That Your Brain Works Differently.

Do you struggle with any of these challenges:

  • Having a long-time struggle with focus and concentration, no matter how hard you try.
  • Feeling like you have a “million” things to do but just can’t get started.
  • An intense reaction to rejection or feeling left out.
  • Stopping communication because it feels too complex to talk about everything going on in your brain.
  • Losing yourself in interests or hobbies at the expense of work, school, or your relationships.
  • Pushing others away because you feel overwhelmed and your feelings feel “too big”.
  • A desire to feel understood by others but you have uncertainty on how to achieve that.



Your differences deserve to be celebrated.

There’s nothing wrong with the way your brain works at all. It’s wired a certain way that makes you think, act and feel in a way that may seem unfamiliar to neuro-typical people — but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. In fact, there are so many strengths that come with ADHD and other neurodiversity diagnoses, such as creativity, a curiosity about the world, and the ability to hyper-focus on things that really interest you. But chances are, you see your naturally neurodiverse nature as a deficit, not a strength. That is why for many people with ADHD and other neurodiversities, getting to know your unique innate talents is especially important to learning how to manage your diagnosis.


At Lincoln Park Therapy Group, we want to help you achieve your best emotional and mental state of mind. We will teach you how to work hand in hand with your ADHD to help work past things like overwhelm, analysis paralysis, shame, and low self-esteem. If you are used to bottling up or compartmentalizing your feelings, we can teach you how to identify how you’re feeling and share your thoughts to receive the support you need. If your emotions usually overtake your rational thinking and cause you to react in harsh or delicate ways, we can demonstrate healthy coping techniques that you can use in any overstimulating environment or situation to bring your emotions back down.

Woman with ADHD Chicago Lincoln Park Therapy Group
What if you felt like the best version of yourself, ADHD and all?

We firmly believe that ADHD can be a great asset when someone has the proper guidance they need to overcome their challenges and move forward. That is why Lincoln Park Therapy Group wants every client to put their best foot forward in their journey of self-discovery so that they can know exactly what makes them powerful while still being mindful of their vulnerabilities. Every client will need both to truly understand themselves with full compassion and empathy.

At Lincoln Park Therapy Group, we use a solution-focused, strengths-based approach to counseling. Through this approach, we will work together to identify your strengths and talents, figure out how to use them to problem-solve, and come up with strategies that you can implement time and time again to manage your life.

ADHD treatment Chicago Lincoln Park Therapy Group

This is a great question and one we hear frequently. If you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms regularly, it’s likely that counseling would be helpful to you:

  • Feeling unproductive due to an unending sense of dread and overwhelm.
  • Struggling to get through your to-do list, no matter how hard or long you work.
  • A sense of feeling disconnected from others or misunderstood, even by your friends or family.
  • A tendency to lose time when you’re focusing on something that interests you.
  • Feeling especially sensitive to rejection, feedback, or criticism from others.
  • A long-time struggle with procrastination, and difficulty finding motivation to start tasks or projects.

You’ve struggled with these challenges for most of your life. Isn’t it time to stop struggling and start thriving?

You live in a world that is designed for people who function one way, but that doesn’t mean you can’t build the tools to thrive. Therapy can help you discover your own unique talents and innate gifts, and build the skills to optimize them so you begin to flourish. If you want help learning how to navigate your ADHD or other neurodiversities, set up time to come in and talk with one of our Counselors.

We’d love to meet you.

These LPTG therapists specialize in treating ADHD and other neurodiversity diagnoses.